Earlier Instrument Projects
The scientific objectives include studying three dimensional plasma structures in the magnetopause, the polar cusps, the magnetotail and the auroral zones.
EISCAT, the European Incoherent Scatter Scientific Association, makes measurements of the lower, middle and upper atmosphere and ionosphere using the incoherent scatter radar technique. It is currently operated by funds from Norway, Sweden, Finland, Japan, China and the UK.
ESPRIT (Engineering/Scientific Project for Research and International Teamwork / Environmental Sensing Payload Researching Innovative Technologies) is an international student project, conducted as a cooperation between Pennsylvania State University (USA) and the University of Bergen, the University of Oslo and Narvik University College (Norway).
The main goal ofthe IMAGE mission is to investigates the response of the Earth’s magnetosphere and iononsophere to changes in the charged particle flux from the Sun (solar wind) and the Sun’s magnetic field (interplanetary magnetic interacting with the Earths own magnetic field.
The Department of Physics and Technology, University of Bergen, joined this ESA project to develop and build the gamma-ray telescope IBIS to be flown on the INTEGRAL satellite.
The Norwegian IPY-ICESTAR program is part of the IPY ID63: “Heliosphere Impact on Geospace”.
The NOAA Polar Orbiting Environmental Satellite (POES) orbits the Earth in a high-inclination (polar), sun-synchronous orbit at about 800 km altitude.
PIXIE is an auroral imager operating on x-ray wavelengths corresponding to energies between 2 and 60 keV. It will monitor the spatial and temporal distribution of precipitating high energy electrons from space into the upper atmosphere.
The objective of SAINT (Science and innovation with thunderstorms), among others, is to identify the generation mechanism(s) of TGFs, to characterize their spectral fluency distributions and their global occurrence rates.
SIR-2 / Chandrayaan-1
SIR-2 (Spectrometer InfraRed -2) is a highly compact, monolithic grating, Near InfraRed (NIR) spectrometer chosen by ESA to be a payload on the Indian Chandryaan-1 first mission to the Moon (launched 22 October 2008).