Presentation: Comparison of observations of thunderstorms from the ASIM optical module and from ground-based instrumentation

Chanrion, O., T. Neubert, S. A Cummer, M. Heumesser, K. Dimitriadou, N. Østgaard, V. Reglero, R. J. Blakeslee, K. Virts, H. J. Christian, I. L. Rasmussen, C. Stoltze, D. Tcherniak, N. C. Jessen, J. Polny, P. Brauer, J. E. Balling, S. S. Kristensen, S. Forchhammer, P. Davidsen, O. Mikkelsen, C. G. Petersen, M. Lorenzen, Comparison of observations of thunderstorms from the ASIM optical module and from ground-based instrumentation, AGU Fall Meeting, Washington DC, 10-14 December, 2018