UiB President Dag Rune Olsen vlogs an interview with Centre leader Nikolai Østgaard

International scientific committees have evaluated the 13 Norwegian Centres of Excellence (SFFs) that began in 2013. All of the centers will continue to be funded for a new five-year period. Among University of Bergen’s (UiB) SFFs, the Birkeland Centre for Space Science got the brightest evaluation. A joint statement from the committees calls the SFF scheme a great success; the research at Norwegian SSFs is on par with that of other top international groups.

UiB President Dag Rune Olsen seized the committees’ announcement as an opportunity to vlog an interview with Nikolai Østgaard, leader of the Birkeland Center, who talks about the value of basic research and what it takes to conduct world-class research (interview in Norwegian).


Norwegian text: President’s office
English translation: K. Østgaard