On February 22th 2021, the paper (Zhang et al., 2021) of the first observations of a space hurricane was published in Nature Communications. The groundbreaking result has caused lots of media coverage all over the world, and a complete media list may be found by scrolling down on this page.
Co-author and professor at the Birkeland Centre for Space Science, Kjellmar Oksavik, has played an important role in the new and remarkable findings, and here is a link to the local newspaper Vestlandsnytt from Fosnavåg, Norway, celebrating their local hero: “Kjellmar frå Fosnavåg oppdaga rom-orkan” (in Norwegian).
Link to a great article in National Geographic entitled “Scientists spot a ‘space hurricane’ for the first time“.
Link to a Norwegian radio interview (NRK P2), where Kjellmar Oksavik explains the space hurricane in more detail.
Below is a link to an article in the Norwegian newspaper Dagbladet entitled (in Norwegian):
“Oppdaget rom-orkan”
- (379) National Geographic: “Scientists spot a ‘space hurricane’ for the first time“
- (378) Physics World: “Space hurricane observed in the Earth’s upper atmosphere“
- (377) Astronomy: “Space hurricane of plasma spotted above Earth’s North Pole“
- (376) Houston Chronicle: “Gigantic space hurricane with 4,000 mph winds stalled above Earth, new research shows
“ - (375) International Business Insider: “What Is A Space Hurricane? Scientists Explain Existence Of The Phenomenon“
- (374) Weatherology: “Space Hurricane“
- (373) MSN: “Toutes premières preuves d’un « ouragan spatial »“
- (372) Axios: “Scientists observe first-ever “space hurricane” above Earth“
- (371) BBC: “Space hurricane spotted above the North pole“
- (370) Sky News: “Space plasma hurricanes discovered above North Pole – where it rains electrons“
- (369) USA Today: “A ‘space hurricane’ hovered above the North Pole for about 8 hours, study says“
- (368) NBC News: “‘Space hurricane’ that rained electrons observed for the first time“
- (367) Universe Today: “Earth’s Atmosphere Can Generate a “Space Hurricane”“
- (366) Independent: “Space hurricane which rains electrons instead of water discovered by scientists“
- (365) Phys.org: “Space hurricane observed for the first time“
- (364) Fox News: “‘Space hurricane’ seen in Earth’s upper atmosphere for first time“
- (363) Vestlandsnytt: “Kjellmar frå Fosnavåg oppdaga rom-orkan“
- (362) Miami Herald: “The first observations of a space hurricane have been revealed in Earth’s upper atmosphere“
- (361) NASA: “HTV Launch Moves to Friday, Crew Looks at Life Science and Florence“
- (360) The Science Times: “First Ever Space Hurricane With 621-Mile Mass of Swirling Plasma Confirmed“
- (359) Washington News Post: “‘Space hurricane’ seen in Earth’s upper atmosphere for first time“
- (358) The Debrief: “Space Hurricanes Confirmed by Scientists Studying Mysterious Plasma Phenomena“
- (357) Gentside: “Space Hurricanes Are a Thing—the North Pole Just Recorded Its First Ever“
- (356) Mysterious Universe: “First Ever Space Hurricane Witnessed Above the North Pole“
- (355) International Business Times: “This Space Hurricane Rained Down Electrons Instead of Water above North Pole“
- (354) Local21News: “Years-old ‘space hurricane’ spotted for the first time“
- (353) Bollyinside: “First ‘space hurricane’ detected over the North Pole“
- (352) Report Door: “‘Space hurricane’ spotted above Earth for the first time ever“
- (351) News784: “First space hurricane is confirmed over the North Pole“
- (350) AM1100Theflag: “Scientists Spot “Space Hurricane” Over North Pole“
- (349) 69News: “A space hurricane and a glow-in-the-dark shark: here’s what’s trending in space and science“
- (348) 10WJAR: “Years-old ‘space hurricane’ spotted for the first time“
- (347) Fox29: “Scientists discover space hurricane above the North Pole“
- (346) The Informer: “Scientists discover ‘space hurricane’ above Earth“
- (345) Business Insider: “Scientists spotted a ‘space hurricane’ swirling above the magnetic north pole. It was raining charged solar particles.“
- (344) The Cosmic Companion: “Space Hurricane Seen for First Time“
- (343) Slashdot: “Space Hurricane Seen Above Magnetic North Pole Was Raining Electrons“
- (342) Newswise: “Space hurricane observed for the first time“
- (341) jioforme: “The first “space hurricane” detected over the Arctic“
- (340) Shandong University: “Prof. Zhang Qinghe’s Research Group Found the First Known Space Hurricane Poured Electron Rain“
- (339) JagranJosh: “All about the Space Hurricane spotted over North Pole“
- (338) Insights on India: “What is space hurricane?“
- (337) Q107: “Massive ‘space hurricane’ discovered swirling over the North Pole“
- (336) The Mary Sue: “This Week In Space: It’s a SPACE HURRICANE!“
- (335) Medium: “Lava and Volcano Planets, and a Space Hurricane“
- (334) NewsChain: “Scientists Detect Space Hurricane Swirling Over North Pole“
- (333) The newt web: “The first-ever ‘space hurricane’ has been spotted above Earth“
- (332) Hebergementwebs: “A space hurricane detected over the North Pole“
- (331) Freethink: “Space Hurricane Rains Electrons Down on North Pole“
- (330) Acast: “Space Hurricane“
- (329) The Nation: “Space hurricane observed for first time“
- (328) SpectrumNewsNY1: “Large “Space Hurricane” Observed Above The North Pole“
- (327) Deseret: “A space hurricane rained electrons over the North Pole“
- (326) Nature World News: “‘Space Hurricane’ Detected Flying Above North Pole for the First Time in History“
- (325) digg: “Scientists spot a ‘space hurricane’ for the first time“
- (324) DigitPatrox: “Scientists Discover ‘Space Hurricane’ High Above The Earth“
- (323) India News Republic: “University of Reading: First Observed Space Hurricane – Education, Education News in India India, Education News“
- (322) Saxon: “First evidence of a “space hurricane” – the weather network“
- (321) Hayat News: “Space Hurricane: Cyclonic storm visible in space above the north pole, crisis on earth due to strong ‘rain’”
- (320) NavbharatTimes: “Space Hurricane: उत्तरी ध्रुव के ऊपर में अंतरिक्ष में दिख रहा चक्रवाती तूफान, जोरदार ‘बारिश’ से धरती पर संकट“
- (319) Daily Advent: “Scientists confirm a ‘space hurricane’ hovered above the North Pole for about 8 hours“
- (318) Prep4ias: “First Ever Gigantic Space Hurricane Detected by Astronomers Over North Pole“
- (317) blog.studyiq: “What is Space Hurricane?“
- (316) Flipboard: “Scientists spot a ‘space hurricane’ for the first time“
- (315) Medium: “Scientists Observed A Space Hurricane On Earth’s Upper Atmosphere“
- (314) NewsBeezer: “‘Space hurricane’ that rained electrons for the first time“
- (313) Al Jazeera: “تهدد الاتصالات والأقمار الصناعية.. أعاصير من البلازما تعصف بالغلاف الجوي العلوي للأرض“
- (312) The Scotsman: “‘Space hurricanes’ have been discovered by scientists – everything you need to know“
- (311) FR24News: “Scientists have spotted a swirling “space hurricane” above the magnetic north pole. It was raining charged solar particles.“
- (310) HuffPost: “Scientists Discover ‘Space Hurricane’ High Above The Earth“
- (309) USAHerald: “Yes, there are Space Hurricanes, and They Rain Electrons!“
- (308) SciTechDaily: “Space Hurricane Observed Over the Earth for the First Time“
- (307) FrankfurterRundschau: “Weltraum-Hurrikan über magnetischem Nordpol entdeckt: Wirbel lässt Solar-Teilchen regnen“
- (306) Kepuchina: “中国科学家首次发现“太空台风”“
- (305) KentOnline: “Proving existence of space hurricanes ‘is incredible’, says scientist“
- (304) Novaator: “Kõrgel taevas möllas kosmiline orkaan“
- (303) Yahoo!news: “Proving existence of space hurricanes ‘is incredible’, says scientist“
- (302) TheCourier: “Proving existence of space hurricanes ‘is incredible’, says scientist“
- (301) ThisIsTheWestCountry: “Proving existence of space hurricanes ‘is incredible’, says scientist“
- (300) Daily Echo: “Proving existence of space hurricanes ‘is incredible’, says scientist“
- (299) Hereford Times: “Proving existence of space hurricanes ‘is incredible’, says scientist“
- (298) The Northern Echo: “Proving existence of space hurricanes ‘is incredible’, says scientist“
- (297) Bracknell News: “Proving existence of space hurricanes ‘is incredible’, says scientist“
- (296) The National: “Proving existence of space hurricanes ‘is incredible’, says scientist“
- (295) TheWestmorlandGazette: “Proving existence of space hurricanes ‘is incredible’, says scientist“
- (294) The Whitehaven News: “Proving existence of space hurricanes ‘is incredible’, says scientist“
- (293) Gazette: “Proving existence of space hurricanes ‘is incredible’, says scientist“
- (292) BrideportNews: “Proving existence of space hurricanes ‘is incredible’, says scientist“
- (291) BridgewaterMercury: “Proving existence of space hurricanes ‘is incredible’, says scientist“
- (290) ThisIsLocalLondon: “Proving existence of space hurricanes ‘is incredible’, says scientist“
- (289) Braintree&WithamTimes: “Proving existence of space hurricanes ‘is incredible’, says scientist“
- (288) ThePress: “Proving existence of space hurricanes ‘is incredible’, says scientist“
- (287) BlomsgroveAdvertiser: “Proving existence of space hurricanes ‘is incredible’, says scientist“
- (286) Winsford-and-Middlewich Guardian: “Proving existence of space hurricanes ‘is incredible’, says scientist“
- (285) Wandsworth Times: “Proving existence of space hurricanes ‘is incredible’, says scientist“
- (284) Guardian: “Proving existence of space hurricanes ‘is incredible’, says scientist“
- (283) breakingnews: “Proving existence of space hurricanes ‘is incredible’, says scientist“
- (282) NewsBreak: “Space hurricane which rains electrons instead of water discovered by scientists“
- (281) MSN: “Scientists confirm existence of space hurricanes“
- (280) Sputnik: “Scientists Observe First Known Space Hurricane Above Earth“
- (279) RTonline: “تأكيد أول إعصار فضائي فوق القطب الشمالي!”
- (278) News21BY: “Космические ураганы заметили в атмосфере Земли“
- (277) SOTT: “Cosmic climate change: ‘Space plasma hurricane’ observed in ionosphere above North Pole!“
- (276) Telecinco: “Primeras observaciones de un huracán espacial: ¿cómo se crea este raro fenómeno?“
- (275) Futurism: “Scientists Observe Eight-Hour “Space Plasma Hurricane”“
- (274) ScienceNewsNet: “Space hurricane observed for the first time“
- (273) dailyhunt: “Scientists Confirm Existence Of Space Hurricanes For The First Time In Earth’s Atmosphere“
- (272) RT: “Observan por primera vez un huracán espacial sobre el Polo Norte“
- (271) Heute: “Forscher entdecken gewaltiges Phänomen über der Erde“
- (270) Statesman Journal: “A ‘space hurricane’ hovered above the North Pole for about 8 hours, study says“
- (269) KitsapSun: “A ‘space hurricane’ hovered above the North Pole for about 8 hours, study says“
- (268) azCentral: “A ‘space hurricane’ hovered above the North Pole for about 8 hours, study says“
- (267) IndyStar: “A ‘space hurricane’ hovered above the North Pole for about 8 hours, study says“
- (266) Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: “A ‘space hurricane’ hovered above the North Pole for about 8 hours, study says“
- (265) Greenville News: “A ‘space hurricane’ hovered above the North Pole for about 8 hours, study says“
- (264) Freep: “A ‘space hurricane’ hovered above the North Pole for about 8 hours, study says“
- (263) Tiempo: “Registran por primera vez huracán espacial sobre Ártico“
- (262) Esquire: “C’è un “uragano spaziale” sopra il Polo Nord, ecco cos’è“
- (261) Lancashire Post: “‘Space hurricanes’ have been discovered by scientists – everything you need to know“
- (260) Mid Sussex Times: “‘Space hurricanes’ have been discovered by scientists – everything you need to know“
- (259) Bognor Regis Observer: “‘Space hurricanes’ have been discovered by scientists – everything you need to know“
- (258) Chorley-Guardian: “‘Space hurricanes’ have been discovered by scientists – everything you need to know“
- (257) News18: “Space Hurricane Which Rains Electrons Instead of Water Detected Over North Pole. It Lasted for 8 Hours“
- (256) dailyhunt: “Space hurricane in 2014 ‘rained electrons’ from a plasma cyclone in the upper atmosphere: Study“
- (255) Focus: “Po raz pierwszy w historii zaobserwowano “kosmiczny” huragan“
- (254) Galileu: “Furacão espacial é observado pela 1ª vez na atmosfera superior da Terra“
- (253) FuturaSciences: “Un ouragan spatial a été observé pour la première fois !“
- (252) Yahoo!actualites: “C’est le premier ouragan spatial jamais observé !“
- (251) Free: “Un ouragan spatial a été observé pour la première fois !“
- (250) SCIENMAG: “Space hurricane observed for the first time“
- (249) Zero Hedge: ““Space Hurricane” Spotted Above North Pole, Study Finds “
- (248) Mic: “Scientists just discovered that space hurricanes are a thing“
- (247) BusinessInsider India: “Scientists spotted a ‘space hurricane’ swirling above the magnetic north pole. It was raining charged solar particles.“
- (246) Rocket News: “Scientists spotted a ‘space hurricane’ swirling above the magnetic north pole. It was raining charged solar particles.“
- (245) BusinessInsider Nederland: “Scientists spotted a ‘space hurricane’ swirling above the magnetic north pole. It was raining charged solar particles.“
- (244) hvg.hu: “Hurrikán volt az űrben az Északi-sark fölött, soha nem láttak még ilyet“
- (243) FOX26: “‘Space hurricane’ seen in Earth’s upper atmosphere for first time“
- (242) FOX5: “‘Space hurricane’ seen in Earth’s upper atmosphere for first time“
- (241) FOX7: “‘Space hurricane’ seen in Earth’s upper atmosphere for first time“
- (240) Fox32: “‘Space hurricane’ seen in Earth’s upper atmosphere for first time“
- (239) LaVanguardia: “La impresionante primera imagen de un huracán espacial en la Tierra“
- (238) The Herald Sun: “Huge space hurricane that spun over North Pole years ago just found. How’d we miss it?“
- (237) Tekniikka&Talous: “Ensimmäinen ”avaruushurrikaani” koskaan löytyi 800 km pohjoisnavan yltä – Magneettinen pyörremyrsky, jossa elektronituuli jopa 7 600 000 km/h“
- (236) Yahoo!actualites: “Les scientifiques ont repéré un ‘ouragan spatial’ tourbillonnant au-dessus du pôle nord magnétique“
- (235) MSN: “El primer ‘huracán espacial’ sobre el Polo Norte magnético: así fue esta impresionante lluvia de partículas solares“
- (234) Latestly: “Space Hurricane Spotted for the First Time Whirling Over North Pole, How Is It Different From the Hurricanes on Earth? All You Need to Know“
- (233) HeadTopics: “‘Space hurricane’ that rained electrons observed for the first time“
- (232) Yahoo!life: “Space Hurricanes Are Now Part of Life’s Grand Tapestry“
- (231) 6ABC: “Scientists reveal first-ever evidence of a ‘space hurricane’ above North Pole“
- (230) ABC7News: “Scientists reveal first-ever evidence of a ‘space hurricane’ above North Pole“
- (229) Medium: “Scientists Discover Massive ‘Space Hurricane’ Above Earth“
- (228) Yahoo news: “Swirling mass of plasma raining electrons observed above Earth for first time“
- (227) The Tribune: “Huge space hurricane that spun over North Pole years ago just found. How’d we miss it?“
- (226) The Charlotte Observer: “Huge space hurricane that spun over North Pole years ago just found. How’d we miss it?“
- (225) Bradenton Herald: “Huge space hurricane that spun over North Pole years ago just found. How’d we miss it?“
- (224) Belleville News-Democrat: “Huge space hurricane that spun over North Pole years ago just found. How’d we miss it?“
- (223) The News Tribune: “Huge space hurricane that spun over North Pole years ago just found. How’d we miss it?“
- (222) The Modesto Bee: “Huge space hurricane that spun over North Pole years ago just found. How’d we miss it?“
- (221) The News&Observer: “Huge space hurricane that spun over North Pole years ago just found. How’d we miss it?“
- (220) The Bellingham Herald: “Huge space hurricane that spun over North Pole years ago just found. How’d we miss it?“
- (219) Ledger-Enquirer: “Huge space hurricane that spun over North Pole years ago just found. How’d we miss it?“
- (218) The Sacramento Bee: “Huge space hurricane that spun over North Pole years ago just found. How’d we miss it?“
- (217) The Herald: “Huge space hurricane that spun over North Pole years ago just found. How’d we miss it?“
- (216) CentreDailyTimes: “Huge space hurricane that spun over North Pole years ago just found. How’d we miss it?“
- (215) The Telegraph: “Huge space hurricane that spun over North Pole years ago just found. How’d we miss it?“
- (214) Merced Sun-Star: “Huge space hurricane that spun over North Pole years ago just found. How’d we miss it?“
- (213) The Wichita Eagle: “Huge space hurricane that spun over North Pole years ago just found. How’d we miss it?“
- (212) Tri-City Herald: “Huge space hurricane that spun over North Pole years ago just found. How’d we miss it?“
- (211) The Island Packet: “Huge space hurricane that spun over North Pole years ago just found. How’d we miss it?“
- (210) Idaho Statesman: “Huge space hurricane that spun over North Pole years ago just found. How’d we miss it?“
- (209) The Olympian: “Huge space hurricane that spun over North Pole years ago just found. How’d we miss it?“
- (208) The Fresno Bee: “Huge space hurricane that spun over North Pole years ago just found. How’d we miss it?“
- (207) Fort Worth Star-Telegram: “Huge space hurricane that spun over North Pole years ago just found. How’d we miss it?“
- (206) Herald Leader: “Huge space hurricane that spun over North Pole years ago just found. How’d we miss it?“
- (205) Sun Herald: “Huge space hurricane that spun over North Pole years ago just found. How’d we miss it?“
- (204) MyrtleBeachOnline: “Huge space hurricane that spun over North Pole years ago just found. How’d we miss it?“
- (203) IndexHR: “Prvi put u povijesti uočen svemirski uragan: “Ovo stvarno nismo očekivali”“
- (202) La Voz De Casiz: “Observan por primera vez un huracán espacial sobre el Polo Norte“
- (201) ABC: “Observan por primera vez un huracán espacial sobre el Polo Norte“
- (200) ABCdesevilla: “Observan por primera vez un huracán espacial sobre el Polo Norte“
- (199) AryNews: “Scientists discover first space hurricane above Earth“
- (198) MSN: “Siedem lat trzymali to w tajemnicy. Znamy już prawdę o kosmicznych huraganach“
- (197) CanalTech: “Furacão espacial é observado acima do Polo Norte pela primeira vez“
- (196) ZAP: “Chovem eletrões. Descoberto furacão de plasma espacial acima do Polo Norte“
- (195) Mtv uutiset: “Pohjoisnavan yläpuolella riehui voimakas plasma-ilmiö: Tutkimus vahvistaa “avaruushurrikaanin” olemassaolon“
- (194) Yahoo news: “Scientists Discover ‘Space Hurricane’ High Above The Earth“
- (193) Sputnik: “بمساحة ألف كيلومتر… اكتشاف إعصار فضائي بـ”قمع وعين” يضرب الأرض… صور وفيديو“
- (192) OlharDigital: “Furacão espacial é detectado pela primeira vez; entenda“
- (191) MSN: “Weltraum-Hurrikan tobte über dem Nordpol“
- (190) InlandNewsToday: “Space ‘hurricane’ rains electrons“
- (189) dailyhunt: “Scientists detect 1,000 km space hurricane in Earth’s lower atmosphere over North Pole“
- (188) BOL Noticias: “O furacão espacial detectado pela 1ª vez na Terra“
- (187) Infosurhoy: “Space Hurricane Observed Over the Earth for the First Time“
- (186) DailyGeekShow: “Détection du tout premier « ouragan spatial » au-dessus du pôle Nord“
- (185) Delfi: “Virš Šiaurės ašigalio buvo užfiksuotas pirmasis uraganas kosmose: Žemė gali būti ne vienintelė, kur vyksta tokios audros“
- (184) Yahoo!Noticias: “O furacão espacial detectado pela 1ª vez na Terra“
- (183) Flipboard: “Invisible ‘space hurricane’ detected over North Pole for first time“
- (182) SOTT: “Astonishing discovery: First-ever ‘space hurricane’ was observed in upper atmosphere above North Pole in 2014“
- (181) News Center Maine: “Space Hurricane (video)“
- (180) DailyMotion: “Scientists have spotted a swirling ‘space hurricane’ above the magnetic north pole“
- (179) Republic World: “What Is Space Hurricane? Here Is Everything You Need To Know“
- (178) MoneyControl: “Scientists detect 1,000 km space hurricane in Earth’s lower atmosphere over North Pole“
- (177) NaturalNews: “Scientists discover a “space hurricane” above the North Pole“
- (176) GentSide: “Scientists Have Spotted a Swirling ‘Space Hurricane’“
- (175) WorldTodayNews: “Scientists discover “space hurricane” for the first time“
- (174) Archyde: “The discovery of the first “space hurricane” over the North Pole“
- (173) Italy24News: “North Pole, first space hurricane observed in the stratosphere“
- (172) Verietyinfo: “The space hurricane was observed for the first time!“
- (171) CW69Atlanta: “Scientists Have Spotted A Swirling ‘Space Hurricane’ Above The Magnetic North Pole“
- (170) Nevada Public Radio: “Scientists Observe First Ever ‘Space Hurricane’“
- (169) Newsbeezer: “The space hurricane was first discovered on Earth“
- (168) SG Talk: “Invisible ‘space hurricane’ detected over North Pole for first time“
- (167) Newsbreak: “A space hurricane is observed for the first time!“
- (166) MundoHispanico: “A space hurricane is seen for the first time in history“
- (165) UnfoldTimes: “Scientists Discover ‘Space Hurricane’ High Above The Earth“
- (164) The Shepherd of the Hills Gazette: “First-ever ‘area hurricane’ detected over the North Pole“
- (163) MSN – space.com: “First-ever ‘space hurricane’ detected over the North Pole“
- (162) Time24News: “Space hurricane rains electrons on Earth“
- (161) The Irish News: “Proving existence of space hurricanes ‘is incredible’, says scientist“
- (160) DE24News: ““Really unbelievable”: Cyclone discovered in space for the first time“
- (159) Inverse: “‘Space hurricane:’ Why March is a wild month for space weather“
- (158) Before it’s news: “‘Space Hurricane’ in Earth’s Discovered in Earth’s Upper Atmosphere“
- (157) Kontrast1: “Rom orkan observert for første gang“
- (156) Nettnord: “‘Rom-orkan’ oppdaget over Nordpolen, finner studien“
- (155) SpaceRef: “Space Hurricane Observed For The First Time“
- (154) WLRN: “Scientists Observe First Ever ‘Space Hurricane‘”
- (153) JustTheNews: “Scientists observe ‘first known space hurricane’ raining electrons down on Earth“
- (152) HNA: “Weltraum-Hurrikan über magnetischem Nordpol entdeckt: Wirbel lässt Solar-Teilchen regnen“
- (151) Merkur: “Weltraum-Hurrikan über magnetischem Nordpol entdeckt: Wirbel lässt Solar-Teilchen regnen“
- (150) Newsbeezer: “‘Rom-orkan’ oppdaget over Nordpolen, finner studien“
- (149) TheIndianWire: “First space hurricane observed on Earth’s North pole, showering electron rain“
- (148) DISRN: “Scientists discover “space hurricane” over North Pole that was 600 miles wide“
- (147) SciNews: “Researchers Observe ‘Space Hurricane’ in Earth’s Ionosphere“
- (146) NPR: “Scientists Observe First Ever ‘Space Hurricane’ (radio)“
- (145) Apsari: “A event called a ‘Space hurricane’ has been mapped by scientists for the first time.“
- (144) OlharDigital: “Space hurricane is detected for the first time; understand“
- (143) EuroWeekly: “Stunning Space Hurricane Discovered Swirling over the North Pole“
- (142) Newsdol: “Studie finner ‘rom-orkan’ over Nordpolen“
- (141) TimesNowNews: “Scientists discover Earth was hit by a wild space hurricane that rained electrons over Earth in 2014“
- (140) Miami Herald: “Huge space hurricane that spun over North Pole years ago just found. How’d we miss it?“
- (139) ThePrint: “Scientists observe ‘space hurricane’ over North Pole that spanned 1,000 km, swirled for 8 hrs“
- (138) Rock101: “Massive ‘space hurricane’ discovered swirling over the North Pole“
- (137) boom1019: “Massive ‘space hurricane’ discovered swirling over the North Pole“
- (136) Vamu: “Scientists Observe First Ever ‘Space Hurricane’“
- (135) SlashGear: “Space hurricane discovered in observation data from 2014“
- (134) IndyStar: “Scientists confirm a ‘space hurricane’ hovered above the North Pole for about 8 hours“
- (133) Nerdist: “Space Hurricanes Are Now Part of Life’s Grand Tapestry“
- (132) Space: “First-ever ‘space hurricane’ detected over the North Pole“
- (131) News4Jax: “Green space hurricane confirmed over North Pole“
- (130) MashableIndia: “Scientists Spotted A ‘Space Hurricane’ Above Earth For The First Time Ever!“
- (129) BigThink: “Massive ‘space hurricane’ made of plasma rained electrons over North Pole“
- (128) WION: “Scientists confirm existence of space hurricanes“
- (127) PennLive: “Space hurricane is confirmed for the first time at Earth’s North Pole“
- (126) EurekAlert: “Space hurricane observed for the first time“
- (125) ABC11: “Scientists reveal first-ever evidence of a ‘space hurricane’ above North Pole“
- (124) Weatherboy: “Electron Downpour: Space Hurricane Impacts Earth”
- (123) WSFA12News: “A ‘space hurricane’ has been confirmed to have existed over Earth”
- (122) TheWeek: “‘Space hurricane’ spotted above Earth for the first time“
- (121) Newsbeezer: “A space hurricane has been observed for the first time!“
- (120) Comicbook: “Scientists Discover First-Ever “Space Hurricane”“
- (119) TheJerusalemPost: “Invisible ‘space hurricane’ detected over North Pole for first time“
- (118) Stars-and-Stripes: “Massive ‘space hurricane’ captured spinning over Earth for the first time“
- (117) Smithsonianmag: “First Ever Space Hurricane Spotted in Earth’s Upper Atmosphere“
- (116) TvEyes: “KCUR-FM – Kansas City, MO (radio)“
- (115) NewsMiner: “Massive ‘space hurricane’ captured spinning over Earth for the first time“
- (114) Jioforme: “Scientists Discover “Space Hurricane” Over Earth“
- (113) Archyde: “What a space hurricane looks like, the spectacular phenomenon detected for the first time on
- Earth“
- (112) PieceBusiness: “Scientists observe first-ever ‘area hurricane’ swirling above the North Pole“
- (111) AmericanOnlineNews: “Scientists Discover ‘Space Hurricane’ High Above The Earth – HuffPost“
- (110) NewZealandOnlineNews: “First-ever ‘space hurricane’ detected over the North Pole – Space.com“
- (109) BegaOnlineNews: “‘Space Hurricane’ confirmed to have formed above Earth – Big Think“
- (108) NewsNetDaily: “Scientists discover ‘space hurricane’ above Earth“
- (107) SuratBasinOnlineNews: “‘Space hurricane’ spotted above Earth for the first time – THE WEEK“
- (106) WeekdayTimes: “Scientists Discover ‘Space Hurricane’ High Above The Earth“
- (105) ZoxNews: “Scientists observe first-ever ‘space hurricane’ swirling above the North Pole“
- (104) NewsTimePaper: “Scientists Discover ‘Space Hurricane’ High Above The Earth“
- (103) WorldNewsBlogger: “Space hurricane raged over the North Pole“
- (102) Asteroid News: “First-ever ‘space hurricane’ detected over the North Pole“
- (101) HeadTopics: “Scientists Discover ‘Space Hurricane’ High Above The Earth“
- (100) Walltrace: “The First Proof Of A Plasma’space Hurricane’ Has Been Discovered By Scientists“
- (099) NewsBreak: “First-ever ‘space hurricane’ detected over the North Pole“
- (098) NewsBeezer: “What a space hurricane looks like, the spectacular phenomenon first discovered on Earth“
- (097) MorningPicker: “Years-old ‘Space Hurricane’ Spotted for the First Time Ever!!! Pics Inside!!!“
- (096) Bollyinside: “‘Space hurricane’ spotted above Earth for the first time“
- (095) CurrentAffairs: “Space hurricane“
- (094) GoodWordNews: “Scientists discover ‘space hurricane’ above Earth“
- (093) Knowledia: “‘Space hurricane’ spotted above Earth for the first time“
- (092) GKToday: “स्पेस हरिकेन (Space Hurricane) क्या है?“
- (091) Knowinsiders: “Space Hurricane: What is it, Where it happens, Most Devastating Region“
- (090) Verietyinfo: “Scientists have discovered a “space hurricane” high above the ground“
- (089) Flipboard: “Massive ‘space hurricane’ captured spinning over Earth for the first time“
- (088) OlteNews: “Scientists observe very first ‘space hurricane’ swirling over North Pole – WSLS 10“
- (087) NewsBharati: “Scientists discover ‘Space Hurricane’ over the North Pole“
- (086) CountyTimes: “‘Space hurricanes’ have been discovered by scientists – everything you need to know“
- (085) ENN: “Space Hurricane Observed for the First Time“
- (084) Mirror: “‘Incredible’ space hurricanes 600 miles wide discovered swirling above the North Pole“
- (083) UK Regional Radio: “BBC Berksire“
- (082) LadBible: “Scientists Discover First Space Hurricane Over North Pole“
- (081) MSN: “Proving existence of space hurricanes ‘is incredible’, says scientist“
- (080) Seattle, WA: “KOMO-AM(radio)“
- (079) The Florida Post: “A ‘space hurricane’ hovered above the North Pole for about 8 hours, study says“
- (078) Space Daily: “Space hurricane observed for the first time“
- (077) Yahoo news: “Scientists spotted a ‘space hurricane’ swirling above the magnetic north pole. It was raining charged solar particles.“
- (076) Tech Times: “First-Ever ‘Space Hurricane’ Spotted in North Pole: GPS Satellites in Possible Danger“
- (075) EurasiaReview: “Space Hurricane Observed For First Time“
- (074) IFLS: “Scientists Discover Earth’s Polar Regions Have “Space Hurricanes”“
- (073) WPtech: “Naukowcy widzieli to po raz pierwszy. Kosmiczny huragan nad biegunem północnym“
- (072) The National News: “Space hurricane that ‘rained’ electrons discovered swirling above North Pole“
- (071) UK Regional TV: “Good Morning Britain“
- (070) Suara: “Pertama Kalinya, Badai Luar Angkasa Terdeteksi di Kutub Utara“
- (069) Metro: “‘Space hurricanes’ are a real thing and scientists just proved it“
- (068) Daily Star: “First ever space hurricane which rains electrons found by scientists above Earth“
- (067) IndiaToday: “In a first, space hurricane detected over North Pole. It swirled for 8 hours“
- (066) Washington Examiner: “‘Space hurricane’ 600 miles wide discovered over North Pole, scientists say“
- (065) Evening Standard: “‘Incredible’ space hurricanes discovered swirling above the North Pole“
- (064) Yahoo: “A ‘space hurricane’ hovered above the North Pole for about 8 hours, study says“
- (063) abc30ActionNews: “Scientists reveal first-ever evidence of a ‘space hurricane’ above North Pole“
- (062) Weather: “New Planetary Phenomenon Alert: ‘Space Hurricane’ Detected for the First Time Over North Pole“
- (061) FOX9: “‘Space hurricane’ seen in Earth’s upper atmosphere for first time“
- (060) RepublicWorld: “Scientists Confirm Existence Of Space Hurricanes For The First Time In Earth’s Atmosphere“
- (059) Daily Mail: “First space hurricane is confirmed over the North Pole following observations of a 621-mile swirling mass of plasma that rained electrons in Earth’s upper atmosphere“
- (058) The Weather Network: “Sprawling ‘space hurricane’ detected in Earth’s upper atmosphere“
- (057) Tech2: “Space hurricane in 2014 ‘rained electrons’ from a plasma cyclone in the upper atmosphere: Study“
- (056) New York Post: “‘Space hurricane’ spotted above Earth for the first time ever“
- (055) Dagbladet: “Oppdaget rom-orkan“
- (054) NRK P2: “Rom-orkan over Nordpolen” (radio)
- (053) Svalbardposten: “Historisk rom-orkan“
- (052) FOX35Orlando: “‘Space hurricane’ discovered above Earth for the first time ever“
- (051) International Business Times: “What’s A Space Hurricane? Researchers Observe The Phenomenon For The First Time“
- (050) UNIS: “A Space Hurricane Observed for the First Time“
- (049) InsideEdition: “Space Hurricane Spanning 600 Miles Captured Hovering Over Earth in 1st Sighting of Its Kind“
- (048) ClickOrlando: “Scientists observe ‘space hurricane’ swirling above Earth for first time“
- (047) EyewitnessNews: “Scientists reveal first-ever evidence of a ‘space hurricane’ above North Pole“
- (046) The Kansas City Star: “Huge space hurricane that spun over North Pole years ago just found. How’d we miss it?“
- (045) matzav.com: “‘Space Hurricane’ Spotted Above Earth For The First Time Ever“
- (044) ZME Science: “Space hurricane detected over the North Pole for the first time“
- (043) FOX51: “‘Space hurricane’ discovered above Earth for the first time ever“
- (042) abc13EyewitnessNews: “Scientists reveal first-ever evidence of a ‘space hurricane’ above North Pole“
- (041) OrlandoSentinel: “Massive ‘space hurricane’ captured spinning over Earth for the first time“
- (040) Chron: “Yes, ‘space hurricanes’ are a thing, according to a new study“
- (039) TheBusinessStandard: “Space hurricane which rains electrons instead of water discovered by scientists“
- (038) ScienceAlert: “For The First Time, A ‘Space Hurricane’ Has Been Detected Over The North Pole“
- (037) BusinessInsider: “Scientists spotted a ‘space hurricane’ swirling above the magnetic north pole. It was raining charged solar particles.“
- (036) AccuWeather: “Scientists reveal first-ever evidence of a ‘space hurricane’“
- (035) Euronews: “‘Incredible’ space hurricane over the North Pole caught on camera for the first time“
- (034) Vice: “Scientists Discover Massive ‘Space Hurricane’ Above Earth“
- (033) The Hill: “‘Space hurricane’ seen hovering above Earth for the first time ever“
- (032) Interesting engineering: “Space Hurricane Observed Above the North Pole for the First Time“
- (031) NewsChain: “Proving existence of space hurricanes ‘is incredible’, says scientist“
- (030) New Atlas: “Plasma “space hurricane” detected over Earth for first time“
- (029) Science Focus: “‘Space hurricane’ observed above the North Pole“
- (028) c|net: “Scientists observe a wild space hurricane above Earth for the first time“
- (027) Global News: “Massive ‘space hurricane’ discovered swirling over the North Pole“
- (026) InnovationsReport: “Space hurricane observed for the first time“
- (025) LiveScience: “First-ever ‘space hurricane’ detected over the North Pole“
- (024) CTVNews: “Scientists discover first space hurricane above Earth“
- (023) NewsWise: “Space hurricane observed for the first time“
- (022) ScienceDaily: “‘Space hurricane’ in Earth’s upper atmosphere discovered“
- (021) 20minuten: “Erstmals Wirbelsturm im Weltraum entdeckt“
- (020) UPI: “Scientists reveal first-ever evidence of a plasma ‘space hurricane’“
- (019) IGNnordic: “A Space Hurricane Above the North Pole Was Raining Charged Electrons“
- (018) InovacaoTecnologica: “Descoberto ciclone espacial fazendo chover elétrons sobre a Terra“
- (017) Time24News: “Northern Lights research – Discovered space hurricane“
- (016) Medium: “Space Hurricane Seen for First Time“
- (015) GKToday: “What is Space Hurricane?“
- (014) MuyInteresante: “Observan por primera vez un huracán espacial (y es impresionante)“
- (013) L’essentiel: “Erstmals Wirbelsturm im Weltraum entdeckt“
- (012) Newsje: “(해외환경뉴스) 처음으로 관측된 우주의 허리케인..행성과 우주 사이의 새로운 빛“
- (011) Business Insider South Africa: “Scientists spotted ‘space hurricane’ above magnetic north pole. It rained charged solar particles“
- (010) polarkreisportal: “Erster Space Hurricane über dem Nordpolargebiet beobachtet“
- (009) University of Reading: “Space hurricane observed for the first time“
- (008) Icepeople.net: “SPACE HURRICANE: First observation of super storm in polar ionosphere revealed in study co-authored by UNIS researchers“
- (007) digg: “Scientists Discover Massive ‘Space Hurricane’ Above Earth“
- (006) Popculture: “North Pole ‘Space Hurricane’ Spotted Above Earth“
- (005) HITC: “No, there isn’t a space hurricane video: Researchers illustrate 2014 discovery!“
- (004) DesMoines: “Scientists confirm a ‘space hurricane’ hovered above the North Pole for about 8 hours“
- (003) GiantFreakinRobot: “A Space Hurricane Is Now Something That Exists“
- (002) DailyFly: “Scientists Confirm they Observed a Plasma Space Hurricane Above the North Pole in 2014“
- (001) BoingBoing: “Space Hurricane spotted over the North Pole“