Below follow media news based on new discoveries about gamma ray flashes recently published in these three papers:
- Nikolai Østgaard et al.: First ten months of TGF observations by ASIM. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 2019.
- David Sarria et al.: The First Terrestrial Electron Beam Observed by The Atmosphere-Space Interactions Monitor. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 2019.
- Torsten Neubert et al.: A Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flash and Ionospheric Ultraviolet Emissions Powered by Lightning. Science, 2019.
January, 2020
- (76) The Statesman: “Beyond the storm clouds“
23-26 December 2019
- (75) “Før det synlige lynet kommer gammaglimtet“
- (74) Optics Journal: “雷暴期间紫外精灵和伽玛射线同时出现“
- (73) Physics-Astronomy: “Elves Are Real And Coincide With Lightning-Induced Gamma Rays“
- (72) madrid: “La estación espacial internacional capta destellos de rayos gamma y ‘elfos’“
20 December 2019
- (71) Uib: “Høgdepunkt frå universitetsåret 2019“
18-19 December 2019
- (70) Physics World: “Elves and gamma rays emerge simultaneously from thunderstorm“
- (69) Yahoo! Japan: “ISS、稲妻嵐が宇宙に放出する電磁パルスが発するガンマ線と“エルヴ”を観測“
- (68) Gizmodo-Japan: “ISS、稲妻嵐が宇宙に放出する電磁パルスが発するガンマ線と“エルヴ”を観測“
- (67) News Livedoor: “ISS、稲妻嵐が宇宙に放出する電磁パルスが発するガンマ線と“エルヴ”を観測“
- (66) Infoseek: “ISS、稲妻嵐が宇宙に放出する電磁パルスが発するガンマ線と“エルヴ”を観測“
- (65) MSN: “ISS、稲妻嵐が宇宙に放出する電磁パルスが発するガンマ線と“エルヴ”を観測“
- (64) Excite: “ISS、稲妻嵐が宇宙に放出する電磁パルスが発するガンマ線と“エルヴ”を観測“
16 December 2019
- (63) Space Daily: “Secret life above thunderstorms uncovered“
14-15 December 2019
- (62) “Lightning Bolts Create Glowing Auroral ‘Elves’ and Brilliant Gamma-Ray Flashes“
- (61) Komlomedia: “Viharok idején gamma-sugárzást bocsát ki a Föld“
- (60) TerraDaily: “Secret life above thunderstorms uncovered“
- (59) Mejico: “La estación espacial internacional capta destellos de rayos gamma y ‘elfos’“
- (58) News Locker: “Lightning Bolts Create Glowing Auroral ‘Elves’ and Brilliant Gamma-Ray Flashes“
- (57) TechDeeps: “Lightning Bolts Create Glowing Auroral ‘Elves’ and Brilliant Gamma-Ray Flashes“
- (56) ForosPeru: “La estación espacial internacional capta destellos de rayos gamma y ‘elfos’“
- (55) The Silicon Graybeard: “Lightning: Gamma Rays, an EMP, and UV Halo; All in < 1 Second“
- (54) Gioicongnghe: “Tia chớp tạo ra tia sáng rực rỡ ‘Yêu tinh’ và Flash Gamma-Ray rực rỡ“
13 December 2019
- (53) National Geographic: “La vida secreta de las tormentas eléctricas“
- (52) Global Science: “Fulmini e pulsar, ecco la settimana spaziale sulla Iss“
- (51) ThisIsChile: “Lightning Bolts Create Glowing Auroral ‘Elves’ and Brilliant Gamma-Ray Flashes“
- (50) Ipon: “Viharok idején gamma-sugárzást bocsát ki a Föld“
- (49) IFLScience: “Elves Are Real And Coincide With Lightning-Induced Gamma Rays“
- (47) FutureZone: “Die Antwort kommt aus dem Weltall: So komplex ist die Entstehung eines Blitzes“
- (46) LiveScience: “Lightning Bolts Create Glowing Auroral ‘Elves’ and Brilliant Gamma-Ray Flashes“
- (45) Terra Rara: “Era uma vez uma tempestade“
- (44) Elbe-Jeetzel-Zeitung: “Gewitterblitze erzeugen Elfen-Leuchten“
- (43) Soylent News: “Data From The International Space Station Confirms: Lightning Is Insane“
- (42) NCYT: “La estación espacial internacional capta destellos de rayos gamma y ‘elfos’”
12 December 2019
- (41) ESA: “Secret life above thunderstorms uncovered“
- (40) Science (podcast): “Hunting for new epilepsy drugs, and capturing lightning from space“
- (39) Gizmodo: “ISS Sees Thunderstorm Beaming Electromagnetic Pulse Into Space, Producing Gamma Rays and ‘Elves’“
- (38) Media Inaf: “Lampi di raggi gamma prima del colpo di fulmine“
- (37) RND: “Gewitterblitze erzeugen Elfen-Leuchten“
- (36) El Septimo Cielo: “La estación espacial internacional capta destellos de rayos gamma y ‘elfos’“
- (35) Wissen: “Warum Blitze über den Wolken wie Elfen aussehen“
- (34) Web: “Gewitterblitze erzeugen Elfen-Leuchterscheinungen in der Atmosphäre“
- (33) LZ: “Gewitterblitze erzeugen Elfen-Leuchten“
- (32) Bleografia: “Secret life above thunderstorms uncovered“
- (31) OP-Marburg: ““
- (30) Olhar Digital: “Estação Espacial capta radiação gama em tempestade terrestre“
- (29) Market Research Feed: “ISS Sees Thunderstorm Beaming Electromagnetic Pulse Into Space, Producing Gamma Rays and Elves“
- (28) Gizmodo: “Estação Espacial vê tempestade na Terra irradiar pulso eletromagnético no espaço e produzir raios gamas“
- (27) Sinc: “La estación espacial internacional capta destellos de rayos gamma y ‘elfos’”
- (26) Dual Dove: “Researchers Shed More Light On Lightning“
10-11 December 2019
- (25) Der Spiegel: “Blitze, die wir nicht sehen können“
- (24) Dagbladet: “Norske forskere har avslørt lynets hemmeligheter“
- (23) Universitetet i Bergen: “Avslører lynets hemmeligheter“
- (22) AGU (Press Release): “Scientists unveil new discoveries about gamma ray flashes coming from thunderstorms“
- (21) “ISS sensors show terrestrial gamma-ray flash and ionospheric UV emissions spurred by lightning“
- (20) DTU: “DTU-forskere afdækker klodens ekstreme energiudladninger“
- (19) Terma: “ASIM reveals the world’s most extreme energy discharge“
- (18) MashViral: “Data from the International Space Station confirms: Lightning is insane“
- (17) ntv: “Gewitterblitze erzeugen Leucht-Elfen“
- (16) Science Market News: “Lighting Is One of the Most Insane Environmental Phenomenon“
- (15) SciTechDaily: “High Above Storm Clouds, Lightning Powers Terrestrial Gamma-Ray Flashes and Ultraviolet Elves“
- (14) ArsTechnica: “Data from the International Space Station confirms: Lightning is insane“
- (13) UUX: “闪电为暴风云上方高处的伽玛射线闪光和紫外Elves提供动力“
- (12) Gizmodo: “ISS Sees Thunderstorm Beaming Electromagnetic Pulse into Space, Producing Gamma Rays and Elves“
- (11) Europapress: “La UV colidera una investigación espacial que muestra la correlación entre dos tipos de fenómenos atmosféricos violentos“
- (10) TechDeeps: “Data from the International Space Station confirms: Lightning is insane“
- (09) Gioicongnghe: “Những đám mây trên cao, những tia sét mạnh như tia chớp Gamma-Ray và tia cực tím Yêu tinh“
- (08) Europapress: “Los relámpagos desatan por encima rayos gamma y ‘elfos’ ultravioletas“
- (07) 20minutos: “La UV colidera una investigación que muestra la correlación entre dos tipos de fenómenos atmosféricos violentos“
- (06) Universitat de Valencia: “La Universitat colidera una investigació espacial que demostra la correlació entre dos tipus de fenòmens atmosfèrics violents“
- (05) Rapida: “ISS Sees Thunderstorm Beaming Electromagnetic Pulse Into Space, Producing Gamma Rays and Elves“
- (04) UV: “La Universitat colidera una investigación espacial que demuestra la correlación entre dos tipos de fenómenos atmosféricos violentos“
- (03) OSB: “Data from the International Space Station confirms: Lightning is insane“
- (02) Fooshya: “ISS Sees Thunderstorm Beaming Electromagnetic Pulse Into Area, Producing Gamma Rays and Elves“
- (01) EurekAlert: “High above the storm clouds, lightning powers gamma-ray flashes and ultraviolet ‘elves‘”